
736 Shawnee ave
kansas city, KS 66105

Phone: (913) 387-9886

Contact Name: Marlen Hernandez

Pickup: Yes

Dropoff: Yes

Cash Donation Link:

Volunteer Signup:

Type of Charity
  • Health & Substance Abuse
  • Homelessness & Housing
  • Seniors & Caregivers

The mission of Cross-Lines is to provide people in the Kansas City area affected by poverty with services and opportunities that encourage self-confidence, meet the needs of today, and provide tools for future self-sufficiency.


Cross-Lines clients include individuals, families, and seniors who are living in poverty. Many of our clients are working one or more jobs. Some have mental and physical conditions that prevent them from being able to work. One unexpected medical expense, a car breaking down or a cut in their hours at work often is what caused our clients to need a helping hand. Cross-Lines is there to give a hand up to people when they need it most.

Items Accepted
  • Baby Supplies
  • Bicycles
  • Hygiene Products