Mission Adelante


22 South 18th Street
Kansas City, KS 66102

Phone: (913) 281-6274

Contact Name: Alex Ruybalid

Pickup: No

Dropoff: Yes

Cash Donation Link: https://secure.bluepay.com/interfaces/shpf?AMEX_IMAGE=amex.gif&AMOUNT=&CARD_TYPES=vi-mc-di-am&CUSTOM_HTML=&CUSTOM_ID=&CUSTOM_ID2=&DBA=Mission%20Adelante&DISCOVER_IMAGE=discvr.gif&MODE=LIVE&REBILLING=0&REB_AMOUNT=&REB_CYCLES=&REB_EXPR=&REB_FIRST_DATE=&REDI

Volunteer Signup: http://missionadelante.org/serve

Type of Charity
  • Immigrants & Refugees

To make disciples by serving, sharing life, and sharing Jesus with people from all places.


We envision a growing multicultural community of disciples making disciples, where immigrants and others are thriving and using our gifts together to transform our neighborhood and the world for the glory of Jesus Christ.

Items Accepted